Currently OPEN for intake.
RENEWAL NOTICE: Renewals are due by Nov. 30th, 2024, please use the form provided here to complete your renewal. Thank You. Renewal form.
The Cornwall Handgun Club is a ‘not-for-profit’ outdoor sport-shooting club located 10 KM north of Cornwall, Ontario. The range property is owned by the club, inspected and approved by the Chief Firearms Office. This is a "private club" where members have year round access to the facilities. Monday-Saturday 8:30AM until official sunset. Sunday 9AM-Official Sunset and NO High Powered Rifles or Shotguns. The facilities open to non-members accompanied by a current member. Some special events are open to visitors by invitation, as posted on the Upcoming_Events.
The Club currently has a 15M / 50M range with a covered shoot house, Two 25M Action Shooting ranges and a 50M / 100M Rifle range with a new covered shoothouse. Target shooters may enjoy using all firearms on the 15M, 25M and 50M ranges. Handguns are not permited on the 50M / 100M Rifle range.
Events such as .22 Caliber shoots, Club Level Action Shooting, IPSC, Club Level bulls-eye shooting, Cowboy Action Shooting, Mil-Shoots, and a black powder demonstration day are regularly scheduled throughout the year.
New members receive an introduction to the Club and a Firearm Saftey course. All information related to joining the club, including the application form and fees, can be found on the Want_to_Join
Our board of Directors for the year of: 2024-2025
President: Patrick Menard
Vice President: Nick Seguin
Membership: Chris Lauzon
Treasurer: Chris Lauzon
Maintenance: Dale Sturkenboom
Secretary: Sherry Rand
Training: Jim Devine
Events: Jim Winchester
Range Operator: Nick Seguin
Chief Range Officer: Jim Devine
No firearms or ammunition are stored at the club.